Friday, October 28, 2011

You Are A Controversy : LIVE IT !!!!!

"Please every one and you'll be fine. Don't please yourself and one day you'll surely ruin for life."
Have you ever stirred any controversy? Have you ever made heads turn? No? Then dude what are you living for? Ever wondered why the hell are you doing whatever the hell you are doing? I know you have big plans for the future, just today things are not so great but in the future voila some chamatkaar( miracle ) awaits you. Seriously? Are you this naive? 
          Just do something erratic for once for god's sake. We're so badly stuck in others expectations and in pleasing others. We define our self with other's opinions, please stop doing that to yourself. This ain't the time to please others my friend, this is the time to do something, do something crazy, something out of the league and then you'll understand.
          You probably don't realise but once you stop pleasing others and start doing your thing everything will settle down by itself. Oh ! Come on! You want me to give you some examples? Hitler convinced the whole Germany to burn their fellow countrymen in gas chambers, thousands were burnt, just because he made them believe that it was good for their country, he believed thoroughly in whatever he thought was right and others followed. Gandhi Ji liberated India because he got stuck on his belief, he had thorough faith in it and eventually everybody listened. And believe me people, their journey in this world was one hell of a bumpy ride. People's voices will eventually fade in the background behind the loud noise of your soul. 
          So don't worry dreamers, this all will pass and you will achieve whatever you want to achieve, you just need to curb your desire to please others and please Oh! Please, don't let them make you believe otherwise. We live in a world of dream killers, here everybody wants to kill each other's dream just because they were not able to follow theirs.They may say words like " Oh! you've read too many books, life doesn't work like that." Or " When reality strikes you'll be nowhere." 
"Its good to be a martyr then not have fought at all." 
          Just take a leap of faith people. For your sake, this is your life not anyone else's. Don't be overwhelmed by all the drama around you, write your own script and let the drama unfold according to your terms. There's no time to waste. Only you know what is going on inside you, ask yourself, be honest to yourself. Rise up beyond petty limitations. This is your life live it up to the fullest.
          Don't worry, you will have a lot of opposition and criticism from the world, your parents, your family maybe the whole world but who doesn't ? Tell me who achieved anything in their life without enduring all this? If people are against you, if you have enemies, then ,congratulations! You are making progress my friend, don't back out, keep fighting and eventually it will all be OK! Everything does. Some great man or woman I don't recall the name once said:
  "If everyone is happy with you, you've certainly made a lot of compromises".
          Little children have some traits which if timely recognised will correctly determine what they can do or what they are capable of. But in the process of growing up they're burdened with expectations and false impressions which gets painted on them layer after layer till the soul is lost somewhere and there's no way to reach it. 
      "So now do you want to listen to your heart! LOL, don't kid with me beta!"(Very similar to when Adam Sandler in the movie " You Don't Mess With The Zohan" tells his parents that he wants to become a hairdresser and quit his military career. :DDDD)

  •  "You've certainly lost your mind. Bheekh maango ke aage jaakar"( You will have to beg for alms eventually." ) 
  • "Dreams are for the rich we have to care about the roti's(bread) first." 
  • "Dreams will get you nowhere." 
  • "Nikal jao mere ghar se."( "Get out of my house!") 
  • "You are a nobody, you only think big, you won't be able to make it." 
  • "See the stats, how many think about the same thing that you want to achieve and how many make it big, then weigh your chances, you certainly have no chance." 
  • "People give their whole lives to it, you are just a starter."
  • "What makes you think that you are different?" 
          Sounds familiar? Then you're certainly making progress.
          Friends, for all I know, dreams are beyond logic, life is too, but this society won't understand, losers wont understand, who live comfy in their big or small houses lost  in the triumph of their fake victories and accomplishments. "I have a stable life." They say proudly. Don't be fooled by them, nothing in life is stable, Earth itself can blow up any time( thanks to global warming ) then how can their lives be stable? Let them live in their false sense of "utopia"
          So let them go to hell. You win or loose, nobody cares except you yourself. If you win they'll be jealous, if you loose they'll triumph, so why is it that you care for them so much. Just do your thing and let everything go to hell.
          So wake up people. Its our time and nobody can make us believe otherwise, think outrageous things, make impossible goals, achieve something that nobody else was able achieve and trust me you'll achieve it, just have faith, curb your desire to please everybody around you and keep making progress everyday and one day you'll be surprised what you've made out of your life.
          Eventually everyone else will follow!!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Just Chat : How To Start A Conversation With The Girl You Like

So you like this girl since the third standard and u are not able to tell her. Now you are in the tenth standard, your hormones have started to kick real bad and still you can't muster the courage to talk to her. You see her talking to other guys and you wonder,"Damn! Why can't I do that? Those guys are so lucky." You think that you are in love but how will you make her realise? So one day you are fed up, you're just about to blow up, you can't take it any more, you'll have to tell her otherwise you'll die, and then you commit the worst mistake. You go straight to her and tell her," Uhh!! Excuse me." She looks at you, gives you a confused look still you go on and you say it, those deadly words," I love you, sorry to startle you but I do." And you expect her to hug you and say, "Hey, I love you too, lets go out for a coffee," but instead of this the opposite happens. She'll says "Oh! I'm sorry but I'm not interested," or maybe she says "Fuck off despo!" or if things are a lot worse she'll say "I'm not interested, do I even know you?" See you never existed for her. What if, somebody you never knew existed came to you( no matter how cute ) and says "Main tumhare bacche ki maa banne wali hun"( "I'm bearing your child punk!" ). Then what will your reply be? Certainly not nice.( Though you should reconsider based on the level of cuteness of that girl :DDDD)

 Well, from what I've learnt from my experience, girls are no aliens brothers. They like to talk to us as much as we like to talk to them. So go on, you like this girl? Just go and chat! Don't think a lot. A very famous author wrote "What you concentrate on gets bigger."( Why the hell I can't remember the names of these famous authors ugghhhh). So don't make any strategies, any virtual talk shows or any kind of conversation in your mind because they'll certainly be negative and they'll get bigger and bigger and eventually you'll end up not doing what you're supposed to do. Just take a deep breath, go to her and JUST CHAT. She'll certainly not kill you, she may not talk to you but she will not kill you. If you approach her courteously and in a disciplined way she'll definitely not hit you on your face! So you can relax.

I believe that every complex problem has a very simple solution. So do you like this girl? Just go and chat, don't think a lot. Waise bhi soch ke tumne kya ukhaad liya abhi tak?( Thinking never gets you anywhere action does.)( This is my pet slogan and a very effective one TM .).

Hey hey, I did not tell you one little thing. The do's and don'ts of the conversation. So when you are JUST CHATTING please don't say the following sentences, they are strictly prohibited.

  • "I want to become the father of your child"
  • "Will you marry me?"
  • "I love you ."
  • "I like you ."
  • "You're soooooooooooo beautiful."( Better start dancing like a girl after saying this :p)
  • "Do you believe in love at first sight or should I pass again."(That's old cliche now)
  • *Any one liners that you think will work, refrain from it.
  • "Hey can I take your bag?"( You want to impress her, you're not here to ask her for a servant's job)
  • "Hey I like you since *whatever centuries or eons ago*. Wanna go out?"
  • "You remind me of my sister."
  • "You remind me of my Ex-Girlfriend."
  • "You remind me of my mother." ( aww soo cute)
  • "Hey I know your big brother, can we be frns?" ( Yeah as if her bossy big brother wasn't enough)
  • "Hi, do you have a big brother?" (Pussyyyy)
  • "Hi, do you have a younger sister?" (aaaiiikkkk   despoooo......)
  • "Hey, remember me?"(Oh, come on! How is she ever gonna remember you? You don't even exist ,remember?)

  Instead, talk about something light, something that'll get the conversation going and wont make it complex. Don't twist the conversation like your cruel baai ( maid ) does with your innocent clothes.Try cracking small jokes, if wittism isn't your forte, don't push it, try and be yourself, feel wonderful about yourself. You gotta feel like You're The Man not You're The Man, "Who else will she be with, if not you?" 
Girls are very intuitive, they can differentiate quite well between a man who takes control to a man who gets controlled. 
So go for it dude.......JUST CHAT!!!!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

जो बात दिल से निकली सत्य है

सोच लो , समझ लो ,
चाहे कितनी ही योजनायें बना लो ,
सत्य समझने की कितनी भी कोशिश कर लो,
कितना भी भूलो-भटको तुम,
अंत में यही पाओगे की,
जो बात दिल से निकली सत्य है.

तुम चले हर जगह.भटके हर जगह,
ना जाने कितने लोगों से मिले,
सबके अलग अलग विचार सुने,
उनकी राह पर चले, गिरे, संभले,
रोये,टूटे और फिर दम से आगे बढे ,
कभी सोचा है की इतनी हिम्मत आई कहा से?
इतना सहना आखिर तुम चाहते क्यों हो?
कितना भी समझ डालो,कितनी भी कोशिशें कर डालो,
अंत में येही पाओगे की,
जो बात दिल से निकली सत्य है.

राह हैं बटी हुई,सौ राहें बनी हुई,
पर तुम्हारे लिए तो एक ही बनी थी, है और रहेगी,
तुम्हारे लिए तो एक ही राह भगवान् ने चुनी,
अपनी आत्मा की आवाज़ को सुनने की आदत डालो,
अपना सत्य स्वयं पहचानो,
तब सारी पहाड़ सी मुश्किलें तिनके में बदल जाएँगी,
और वो सच्ची राह तुम्हे तुम्हारा सरल परिचय कराएंगी, 
तब तुम अंत में यही पाओगे की,
जो बात दिल से निकली सत्य है.

दिल की आवाज़ दबती नहीं लाख दबाई जाये,
खुद से कभी तुम छुप नहीं सकते लाख छुपने की कोशिश की जाये,
दबाना है अगर तो तर्क को दबाओ,
जीवन में तर्क के बजाये दिल का वजूद बढाओ,
तब ये श्रृष्टि तुम्हारे कदम चूमेगी,
तुम्हारे इर्द गिर्द सारी दुनिया घूमेगी,
तब तुम ये समझ जाओगे की,
जो बात दिल से निकली सत्य है.

जो करना है आज कर डालो, जो कहना है आज कह डालो,
मौत का भय किसी को जीने नहीं देता,
मरता हर कोई एक बार है बार बार कोई नहीं मरता,
जब इस हिम्मत से तुम आगे बढोगे,
तब हर सर तुम्हारे आगे सजदे करेंगे,
तब सच में समझोगे तुम,
जो बात दिल से निकली सत्य है.

जो जिद्द करते हैं उन्ही का ये जहाँ सारा है,
बिना जिद्द के बताओ किसने कहाँ क्या परबत उखाड़ा है,
जिद्द करो इस जीवन में, यह तुम्हारा है,
इसका सफल  प्रयोग इश्वर ने तुम्हारे हाथ में डाला है,
चलो आगे बढ़ो ये संसार तुम्हारा है,
तब अंत में येही पाओगे की,
जो बात दिल से निकली सत्य है.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hell ! Just Do It And Do It Right Now !

There's a ancient saying" Take a leap of faith ". That means you take a leap and don't worry about falling. Some great man said I can't quote this exact words but the meaning is somewhat close to this :

Jump from the highest peak and make a parachute on the way.(Please don't try this at home or outside :::DDDDD)

  Well after sometime you are past that pit, you've taken the leap everything goes fine and then someday you realise that that jump was not worth at all so you take a jump back ( or get thrown back) and come back to the side you were before. Ready to take the leap again? You bet! You wanna do it all over again and again and again. So persistent are we, humans(especially when it comes to doing something for something we love). This phenomenon could be very often seen in romantic relations but very uncommon when it comes to achieving your goal or some other non-fatal highly rewarding work that'll surely give you something to brag about your whole life. Humans can't be blamed because blinded by society and its imperfections impregnated in them with centuries of nagging and instructing and  traditions and taboo they have become increasing programmed to believe in something they shouldn't. People are becoming increasingly afraid in taking the leap of faith and want to remain on the safer side and hence lead constrained lives. Some of us don't even know what real happiness is. Many haven't felt the feeling of butterflies in their stomach and believe me its the best feeling. It sure gives me a feeling that I'm alive, try that sometime.
Start now people, think about something that gives you butterflies in your stomach(only non criminal ones are encouraged) and do that thing. It could be talking to some random girl or a girl you love( and you don't want to confess your love to her future not so yours babies : D), maybe you want to confess something  to your father or you wanna go skydiving. Just go do it. You wont get tomorrow, its today that you have and DARR KE AAGE JEET HAI( After fear somes victory ), so go for it and see how it feels and do tell me how it feels :DDDDD.................

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Oh !!!!! Selena........

She Would've Looked Better If
I Were Standing Next To Her In This Pic :D
Oh, Selena,,,,
From the day I saw you I felt like we were meant to be together,
You're so far away, but really that doesn't matter,
Cause I can cross a thousand seas to be with you forever.

When you smile, my heart tries to rip out my chest and run to you,
I had to wind my chest in chains so that I may not die because of my love
for you,
I don't know how long I can hold it now,
So why don't you tell me where do you want me to take you out.

Oh Selena,,,,
You are a 4 and I am a 4,
I'll always take good care of you,atleast better than the 14 year olds,
Give me your hand selena, promise you'll always be properly manicured,
So what do you think, can we please be together before we both grow too


I'm fed up of looking at your poster on my wall selena,
I wanna see you for real, tell you what I feel about,
Wanna hold you hands and shout out loud,
Hey people, dreamers aren't always fools,
See I've got Selena, what about you?

This aint a song,
This aint a poem Selena,
This is a man speaking out his heart for you, for real,
I hope this song comes nearer to you than I will be,
Cause,Hey why shouldn't the internet be used the way it was meant to be.